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Your Cross and Triangle Charm Cast

The Hei Tiki Reversed
The Scarab
The Amulet Box Reversed
Taurus The Bull
Taurus The Bull
The Cross
The Crescent and Hand
The Tusk
Capricornus the Goat


You the Significator and Your Life Force

The Amulet Box Reversed

The Amulet Box Reversed

There are papers in your near future. This aspect is affected by legal papers of some kind--a contract, a legal action or a fine of some kind. These papers will cost you financially and emotionally.

That Which Influences Your Thoughts

The Hei Tiki Reversed

The Hei Tiki Reversed

The Hei Tiki tells you it is time to relax, step back from your daily routine. Stop pushing yourself so hard and partake in some enjoyment. Relaxation will improve this aspect greatly.

That Which Influences Your Emotions

The Eye Agate

The Eye Agate

The eye represents your will to be loved. The strength of your will controls this aspect. You have neglected needed emotions of love in your life. You cannot expect to be loved if you do not show it.

That Which Influences Your Spirit

Taurus The Bull

Taurus The Bull

This aspect of your life will be strongly influenced by a person who is patient, reliable, warmhearted, loving, persistent, determined, placid and security loving. This is a person you respect.

That Which Influences Your Physical Self

The Scarab

The Scarab

The Scarab is a symbol of creation. Someone close to you will soon announce the conception of new life, life that will positively affect you within this aspect.

Forces that Oppose You

The Crescent and Hand

The Crescent and Hand

Guests and visitors will come calling. Their visit brings happiness and joy. This aspect will reflect these emotions for weeks after the visit.

Other Forces that Oppose You

Capricornus the Goat

Capricornus the Goat

This aspect of your life will be strongly influenced by a person who is practical, prudent, ambitious, disciplined, patient, careful, humorous and reserved. They could be someone you know in the medical field--a nurse or doctor perhaps.

Energies You Need to Bring to the Forefront

The Tusk

The Tusk

There is a good vibration surrounding this aspect. It feels better than it has in quite some time. Maintain your faith in your diety of choice and this good vibration will remain. Waiver from your faith and this good vibration will dissapate.

The Outcome

The Cross

The Cross

This is probably the most popular of charms. You will be protected in this aspect. No one will be able to harm you or your state of being.