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Your Relationship Charm Cast

The Tortoise Reversed
Gemini the Twins
Magic Nails
The Heart Reversed
The Fish
Abraxas Reversed
Pisces the Fishes
Solomons Seal
The Bulla


Your View of Your Partner

The Bulla

The Bulla

You are distracted from this aspect by other areas of your life you feel are more pressing. This aspect is suffering from this lack of attention. You must ask yourself how much more you can let it suffer before you give it due attention.

Your Partner's View of You

Solomons Seal

Solomons Seal

This aspect needs to be lightened up a bit, things are getting to serious. Some humor or even a bit of flirting could lighten the tone greatly.

Your Needs

Pisces the Fishes

Pisces the Fishes

This aspect of your life will be strongly influenced by a person who is imaginative, sensitive, compassionate, kind, selfless, unworldly, intuitive and sympathetic. This person could be merely an acquaintance who has influence with people in your circle.

Your Partner's Needs

Abraxas Reversed

Abraxas Reversed

A powerful force will rule you within aspect for the duration of a year. Your will be given few choices to make as most will be made for you. This force is malevolent in nature and the end result will be negative.

The Current State of Your Relationship

Gemini the Twins

Gemini the Twins

This aspect of your life will be strongly influenced by a person who is adaptable, versatile, communicative, witty, intellectual, eloquent, youthful and lively. This could be a sibling, a child or a very close friend.

The Path You Would Like to See Your Relationship Follow

Magic Nails

Magic Nails

The spirit of someone you knew dearly is trying to guide you in this aspect. In a dark room light a single candle and focus upon its light. Listen carefully with your heart and you will know what to do.

The Path Your Partner Would Like to See Your Relationship Follow

The Heart Reversed

The Heart Reversed

You find yourself unbeleivably frustrated within this aspect. You are not sure what to do or when to do it. This will last longer than you wish, but fear not a solution will present itself, be patient.

Aspects of Your Relationship to Consider

The Fish

The Fish

Prosperity is yours for the taking over the next several months. Good spirits are watching over you and will guide you too abundance and prosperity.

The Outcome

The Tortoise Reversed

The Tortoise Reversed

The tortoise represents the dome of the sky, the universe. When it is inverted it indicates regardless of the steps you take within this aspect progress will be slow in coming. Without help from others this aspect will remain as is.