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Your Birthday Spread

Please scroll down for the interpretation of your Birthday Spread.

Six of Diamonds
Ace of Clubs
Jack of Diamonds
Five of Spades
Jack of Hearts
Nine of Spades
Seven of Clubs
Nine of Clubs
Two of Hearts

Your Current Condition

Six of Diamonds

Six of Diamonds

This card represents steps that must be taken to achieve a goal. These steps could be short or very involved.

Your Goals for the Next Year

Ace of Clubs

Ace of Clubs

Unexpected money or profitable gain. However, if more cards in your reading are red than black, this money may disappear almost as quickly as it appears.

That Which Will Empower You

Jack of Diamonds

Jack of Diamonds

The Knight (Jack) of Diamonds represents hope or hopeful anticipation. It is especially meaningful when close to a royal card.

What You Need to Develop

Five of Spades

Five of Spades

This card represents loss. This could in the form of losing someone you love, a friendship, a financial loss, a job or a home.

Your Material Self

Jack of Hearts

Jack of Hearts

The Knight (Jack) of Hearts brings new hope. It represents those sentiments you hold close to your heart that evoke loving memories.

Your Emotional State

Nine of Spades

Nine of Spades

Health problems or an illness which could be in the form of a flu bug or stress resulting in depression. Be cautious.

Your Spiritual Self

Seven of Clubs

Seven of Clubs

Business success, although there may be problems with the opposite sex. A change in employment that may have been expected or earned, such as a promotion.

That Which Opposes You

Nine of Clubs

Nine of Clubs

Achievement usually associated with an accomplishment you have been striving toward for some time. This can indicate a wealthy marriage or a sudden windfall.

To Realize Your Goals

Two of Hearts

Two of Hearts

A warm, strong partnership. This is a very favorable card that indicates strength and support coming from a partner in your professional or personal life.

Other Influences are factors that may effect your spread or even have effects beyond the boundaries of this reading.

2 Nines in your reading indicate you are about to make minor gains.
2 Jacks in your reading indicate there will be some disagreements for you to deal with.