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Your Past, Present, Future MahJong Reading

The three Mahjong tiles in this reading represent your past, present and future situations.

Scroll down to learn the influence of each Mahjong Tile.

Circles 2

That Which is Behind You


Your Current Place

Wan 4

That Which is Before You


That Which is Behind You

Circles 2

Circles 2
Symbol: Pine Tree

The Pine Tree tile represents strength and resolve. It often refers to a powerful, determined man. While powerful, this person is not violent, but very skilled in attaining his goals through diplomacy.

Your Current Place


Symbol: The Woodcutter

The Woodcutter employs three of the 5 elements central to Chinese philosophy: Fire, Wood and Metal. He is ambitious and full of drive and energy. He represents gain and success through dedicated work.

That Which is Before You

Wan 4

Wan 4
Symbol: Lute

The Lute tile indicates a need for relaxation—a break from the stress of your everyday life. For people nearing the end of their career it may suggest that the time for them to retire has come.