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Relationship MahJong Reading

This reading concentrates on the dynamics of your relationship with another person. The other person may be a mate, or business partner, or even an enemy.

Scroll down to learn the influence of each Mahjong Tile.


Your Shared Path

Wan 7

Your Path's Goal

Wan 8

Their Path's Goal

Circles 9

That Which Will Influence You

West Wind

That Which Will Influence Them

North Wind

That Which Influences You


That Which Influences Them

South Wind

Your Past Influence

Wan 4

Their Past Influence


Your Shared Path


Symbol: The Woodcutter

The Woodcutter employs three of the 5 elements central to Chinese philosophy: Fire, Wood and Metal. He is ambitious and full of drive and energy. He represents gain and success through dedicated work.

Your Path's Goal

Wan 7

Wan 7
Symbol: Seven Stars

The Seven Stars tile signifies creative growth and power. Creativity should be applied to the area this tile appears. This is a place to let your imagination run free. The Seven Stars tile also indicates hope for the future.

Their Path's Goal

Wan 8

Wan 8
Symbol: Knot

The Knot tile represents both bonding and severing. If the Sword tile (2 Wan) is in your reading then the time to sever ties with someone or something is at hand. Conversely if the Duck tile (2 Bamboo) is in your reading then there is bond that will strengthen. If both or neither appear in your reading, then you have a relationship of some kind that is of undecided value.

That Which Will Influence You

Circles 9

Circles 9
Symbol: Unicorn

The Unicorn tile indicates a clear vision of the future and the ability to see people for who the really are. In rare cases the Unicorn tile may suggest a person with psychic powers.

That Which Will Influence Them

West Wind

West Wind
Symbol: Metal

The West Wind tile represents an obstacle that must be faced before you can make progress towards your goals. This obstacle may be anything from a person to needing to find work.

That Which Influences You

North Wind

North Wind
Symbol: Water

The North Wind tile indicates there will be difficult moments ahead. These can be canceled out if the South Wind Tile is in your reading as well.

That Which Influences Them


Symbol: The Farmer

The Farmer represents rewards gained through hard work and faith in oneself. He harvests riches from the planting and nurturing of his crops.

Your Past Influence

South Wind

South Wind
Symbol: Fire

The South Wind tile is considered to be a very good sign in a reading. It almost ensures a satisfactory end to any problem.

Their Past Influence

Wan 4

Wan 4
Symbol: Lute

The Lute tile indicates a need for relaxation—a break from the stress of your everyday life. For people nearing the end of their career it may suggest that the time for them to retire has come.