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Your Star Minchiate Tarot Reading


The Eastern Emperor
Ten of Swords Reversed


Your Present Situation

The Eastern Emperor

The Eastern Emperor

The qualities of The Emperor include the ability to lead and wield power. He is paternal and mentally quick, spiritually complete as well.

The Cause of Your Conflicts and Obstacles

Ten of Swords Reversed

Ten of Swords Reversed

Evil will be defeated. Courage is needed to face challenges. Develop your spiritual self.

The Changes You Need to Make to Face Your Challenges



Prudence provides a clear vision to both the temperal and spiritual aspects of life. The truth and motives behind matters will be seen. Prudence brings courage guided by wisdom with her.

Your Strengths



Leo denotes the power to be a leader without becoming tyrannical.

Other Challenges



Water is the card of hidden truths and emotions. It also calms and soothes and is basic to life. The Water card may denote a period of discovery, fulfillment through learning and the unraveling of mysteries.

The Final Outcome



With Scorpio come victory through a forceful inner drive. Scorpio also denotes a high level of sensuality.


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