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Your Attainment Animal Spirits Oracle Reading

Use this reading to assist in reaching, or possibly even defining your goals for the future. This spread attempts to identify core strengths you will need and challenges you will have to overcome to attain your goals and correspond them to the Animal Spirit that best represents them.

Scroll down to learn the influence of each Animal Spirit. Click on the images to see larger versions.


Issues to Address

Primary Strength


Issues to Address

Green Man
Primary Weakness





Mockingbirds are master imitators, and can mimic the calls of many other birds. They're also fearless protectors of their nest, and will attack any bird (no matter how large) to protect their young. Mockingbird's lesson for you today is twofold: to listen to how you might be mimicking others - instead of listening to your own true voice; and to examine the value of what you defend. Hmmm?

Issues to Address



Phew! Everyone knows Skunk's power - that's why people (and other animals) get out of his way! If you're lacking self-esteem, Skunk is there to help. You are worthy of a happy life - and if someone is making you miserable, look to Skunk as a confidence builder. Remember, though, Skunk doesn't have to spray to be powerful - his reputation precedes him! And, like Skunk, you don't need to spray either-but you do need to stand your ground calmly, and with Skunk's confidence.




Porcupine has appeared in your reading today to bring a message of innocence and trust. Although Porcupine can throw quills when cornered, he is gentle, loving, and non-aggressive. Is there an area of your life that need Porcupine energy? Have you lost the ability to trust??

Issues to Address



Wake up! Woodpecker is tired of trying to get your attention, and will peck and peck and peck until you hear the message. You have received the answer to a major question time and again, but refuse to act on it. It's okay to ignore a solution - but be forewarned that woodpecker will keep making racket until you make some movement forward!

Primary Strength



Is your life in a state of balance? If not, long-legged Heron has flown in today to help you. Because Heron is a water bird, he is most often associated with emotions. He stands motionless, almost in a trance, his body mirrored in the water below. Take a few moments today to be like Heron - be quiet, go within, and discover the answer to your questions.

Primary Weakness

Green Man

Green Man

Green Man peers out of the foliage to remind you that not all of life's mysteries have logical solutions. Be open to magical opportunities, spirit allies, and unconventional paths. Get out into the wilderness, ground yourself in meditation, and listen for Green Man's wisdom. You may just catch sight of him eyeing you in his leafy camouflage.