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Your Planetary Animal Spirits Oracle Reading

This is a query spread that may yield insight into a number of different aspects of your life's current state. The Planetary spread associates different Animal Spirits with influences based on Astrology and the position of the planets.

Scroll down to learn the influence of each Animal Spirit. Click on the images to see larger versions.






The Moon
The Outcome




Your Self Overall


Your Self Overall



Is your life in a state of balance? If not, long-legged Heron has flown in today to help you. Because Heron is a water bird, he is most often associated with emotions. He stands motionless, almost in a trance, his body mirrored in the water below. Take a few moments today to be like Heron - be quiet, go within, and discover the answer to your questions.

Matters Concerning Your Home (The Moon Card)



Bat's internal radar is exceptionally attuned - is yours? Because Bat medicine is the medicine of transformation, he is asking you to re-examine your life to determine (using all of your senses) what is worth keeping and what needs to be discarded. For every death there is a rebirth and Bat is here to help you decide what goes and what stays.

Matters Concerning Business, Skills and Integrity (The Card of Mercury)



Frog Rivet! Something in your life needs cleansing, and frog is here to help. Frog is traditionally associated with rain - that powerful force of Nature that can flood, nurture, heal, or drown. If Frog appears in your reading, you're being asked to examine what is stagnating in your life - then ask Frog to help you let it go. Need to cry? Jump in the shower and let Frog Medicine do its work.

Matters Concerning Love (The Card of Venus)



If you can imagine Bambi, you can imagine the message Deer brings to you today - a message of sweetness, innocence, and gentle spirit. Be delicate today in your communication with other and with yourself. This is definitely not a time for being critical, mean-spirited, or sarcastic. Just as Deer's heart can be easily wounded, so can the heart of your friends, co-workers, or family members.

Matters Concerning Hostility, Opposition and Aggression (The Card of Mars)



Turtle carries his home on his back, and his question to you today is whether your life is weighed down with "things" that serve no purpose. Everyone loves buying stuff, but do you use shopping, spending, and the acquisition of "things" as a substitute for passion, conviction, commitment? It's worth thinking about, isn't it?

Matters of Finance, Acquisition and Wealth (The Card of Jupiter)



Ever watched a school of dolphins playing with each other, or with the surfers in their midst? If you have, you'll understand the message Dolphin brings today - the message of joyful play. Dolphins are in total harmony with their environment, and practice love for each other - always helping the young, or a sick comrade. Join Dolphin's happy community today and celebrate how much we're all alike, instead of focusing on our differences.

Matters of the Intellect (The Card of Saturn)



Buffalo has come snorting into your life today to bring a message of great hope. Buffalo sacrificed every part of his physical body to support those who hunted him - but he also gave his spirit. And, it's that spirit of hope, abundance, and a bright future that he brings to you today. If you are experiencing a troubled journey, help is here.

The Outcome



Eagle soars high enough to see the grand panorama of life, and yet has vision keen enough to spot a fish a mile away. How's your vision? Are you seeing the big picture or are you only concentrating on the fish? Eagle is asking you to take a step back so you can once again see the whole. You've gotten so lost in the trees you've forgotten the forest.