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Taurus Full Moon and Sagittarius New Moon With a Solar Eclipse in November

Written by: Shakti Carola Navran
Published on: October 24, 2011
Category: Astrology


Fear has been in the air and riots in the streets! We all have at least friends and family who have fallen on hard times, lost their houses or their jobs. We feel strongly what is happening because of that deeper inner connection of oneness or you could call it the morphogenetic field. It is easy to get caught up in anxiety and fear.

Being a mom means you are the center of the family- the healer, the shepherd. You are setting the emotional tone nourishing the needs of your kids and partner. If you don't feel good - nobody in your family feels good. Self-care is absolute paramount for you these days! By taking care for your own needs first you are taking care for your family. Only a full cup of water can sustain their thirst!

The question is how can you balance yourself? How can you find your place in all this? How can you step up with courage into the unknown and the new horizon of consciousness? And how can you be of help for others? Astrology is holding some answers for you because it gives you the conscious awareness for higher or lower choices based on the energetic, archetypal fields involved.

Following the Lunar astrology with the magic points of the Full Moon and New Moon you can learn to align yourself consciously with the universal currents and navigate the choppy waters more graciously.

Full Moon in Taurus November 10

After having five planets in Scorpio as well as the New Moon in Scorpio at the end of October, the intensity is leveling out a bit. With Taurus you are invited to take care for your body, your needs and find out how to balance yourself within the demands of the physical world. Step by step Taurus moves ahead, faces reality and what needs to be done. Most of October, in the Scorpio period, things were stripped away and maybe changes were forced onto you. Now Taurus will help you to integrate and make good practical use of those insights and revelations. Chopping wood and carrying water, enlightened or not, attuning to practical demands of life is crucial.

New Moon in Sagittarius Marks a Solar Eclipse and Mercury Turning Retrograde

A new cycle starts with the most gregarious, outgoing sign of the zodiac. Your attention is pointed outwards and towards growth and fortunate manifestations. It is a time to ask yourself: where you have been holding back and underestimated yourself? It is a month to step up to the plate, play your hand fully and take some risks. Communications will have obstacles and you need to keep the bigger picture in mind.

Shakti Carola Navran has been an evolutionary astrologer, published author and now columnist for Maui Weekly. In her astrological practice she has been giving readings for people from all over the world for 33 years in person, through Skype or on the phone.

On her blog http://jewelryandgemsforselfdiscovery.com/blog/ you will find her Astrological Weather Report and you can sign up for her free monthly astrological overview.

Call her for a reading in Hawaii: 808 878 8182