Your Gong Hee Fot Choy Spread

Complete Reading

Seven of Diamonds in the House of Compasses

Seven of Diamonds in the House of Compasses

A successful prosperous vibration surrounds you. You should use this to bring your plans and projects to fruition. Make plans and carry them through.

Eight of Spades in the House of Wishes

Eight of Spades in the House of Wishes

Worry or trouble influences your wish. Check card in the House of Trouble; if a spade wish is very doubtful; any other card and uncertainty exists.

Seven of Spades in the House of Success

Seven of Spades in the House of Success

Your health may diminish your chances for success at this time. Do not allow yourself to become depressed over your current condition. Perseverence and healthy liveing will assure success in the future.

King of Diamonds in the House of Moon

King of Diamonds in the House of Moon

Some legal procedure in court with benefit you socially, or help a friend in court. If an attorney, you will win a case that helps your future; a professional in any capacity, indicates you will do something to help humanity and benefit yourself, or a wedding license will be signed.

Queen of Spades in the House of Surprises

Queen of Spades in the House of Surprises

You will be surprised at an ungrateful person you have helped; you will meet with ingratitude.

King of Spades in the House of Popularity

King of Spades in the House of Popularity

A caller will brag how popular he is; or he will end up by asking for the loan of some money; or famous people will call on you.

Seven of Hearts in the House of Abode

Seven of Hearts in the House of Abode

Sometime in your life you will obtain a home after overcoming difficulties. The home will give you much happiness. You may have to contend with jealousy where you live. If you already have a home you will improve it.

Seven of Clubs in the House of Journey

Seven of Clubs in the House of Journey

A message comes that causes you to make a trip. You may be asked to accompany somone on this trip. Or you will receive a message telling you someone is coming to your locale and would like to visit you.

King of Clubs in the House of Papers

King of Clubs in the House of Papers

Your vocation should be where papers are signed or handled; or through the newspaper you find a position; papers have something to do with your work or future support.

Jack of Clubs in the House of Vocation

Jack of Clubs in the House of Vocation

Your vocation is connected with your relatives; you either will work for them, or will work at or do something to please them.

Jack of Spades in the House of Marriage

Jack of Spades in the House of Marriage

A conniving, cunning person may try to break up your romance or marriage. Watch for this party; may be a new acquaintance. Trickery of some kind.

Queen of Clubs in the House of Happiness

Queen of Clubs in the House of Happiness

Much happiness is in store for you.

Eight of Diamonds in the House of Enjoyment

Eight of Diamonds in the House of Enjoyment

Something you will enjoy very much will be given you, like jewelry or something you want badly maybe an inheritance.

Nine of Spades in the House of Messages

Nine of Spades in the House of Messages

You will receive a message relating a loss of some kind; or you will lose something and send a message or phone trying to locate it; or a delayed phone call.

Nine of Hearts in the House of Relatives

Nine of Hearts in the House of Relatives

A relative influences your wish. Also this could be a close friend; sometimes friends are as dear as relatives. You should get your wish.

Nine of Clubs in the House of Health

Nine of Clubs in the House of Health

You have good luck and good health in store for you. If a nurse, good luck through a patient.

Ten of Clubs in the House of Money

Ten of Clubs in the House of Money

Money comes to you from a distance; or through a trip or change of work you will make more money; a change for the better. This could be the sale of land or a car. If in the racing business or transportation, money won or good business.

Nine of Diamonds in the House of Seasons

Nine of Diamonds in the House of Seasons

A surprise is due you in nine days; this will be a good surprise.

Ace of Diamonds in the House of Friends

Ace of Diamonds in the House of Friends

You can expect moral support from friends in a new business or undertaking; also, you may go into a new undertaking with a friend. Cooperation indicated.

Ace of Clubs in the House of Gifts

Ace of Clubs in the House of Gifts

You will receive a long desired gift; something very lovely and useful; or a large sum of money. Many nice gifts in store for you.

Ace of Hearts in the House of Letters

Ace of Hearts in the House of Letters

You will receive a letter, if away from your loved ones, that tells the news at home; or a letter telling you about a friend or relative building or moving into a new home. This letter will contain news of some kind about a home; or a home for you.

Queen of Diamonds in the House of Trouble

Queen of Diamonds in the House of Trouble

You have something to worry over, are annoyed with older people. Don't worry; time will change this. Time eliminates everything; concentrate on knowing this will change.

Ten of Diamonds in the House of Disappointment

Ten of Diamonds in the House of Disappointment

There is a disappointment in some money you should receive; or the collection of money; or your salary is cut by shorter hours; or a deal where you make a commission falls through. Loss of money is indicated here, like the loss from your purse. But sometimes loss brings gain later.

Queen of Hearts in the House of Death

Queen of Hearts in the House of Death

You will hear of the death of a dear friend; or hear of the death of a prominent lady.

King of Hearts in the House of Undertaking

King of Hearts in the House of Undertaking

A very fine gentleman will offer to take you in on a new undertaking-his intentions are good and this seems to be to your advantage. Concentrate here. A good proposition to your advantage.

Eight of Clubs in the House of Achievement

Eight of Clubs in the House of Achievement

As this card falls in its own House, you have achieved or will achieve much in the business world. Plenty for you to do.

Jack of Diamonds in the House of Inheritance

Jack of Diamonds in the House of Inheritance

You will receive a message of an inheritance. It may be a gift from an aunt, or some close relative. This letter also will speak of her will. Or a letter bearing money.

Ace of Spades in the House of Callers

Ace of Spades in the House of Callers

Callers will tell you of their illness; or you will visit a doctor, or you will hear of a death through a caller.

Ten of Hearts in the House of Gratitude

Ten of Hearts in the House of Gratitude

Some newlyweds will be very grateful for something you do for them; or someone will be grateful to you for bringing old friends together again.

Eight of Hearts in the House of Inquirer

Eight of Hearts in the House of Inquirer

Your future life should be full of love, even if your past has been full of sorrow.

Ten of Spades in the House of Luck

Ten of Spades in the House of Luck

Some good fortune will come to you late in the afternoon. Watch for this, something you least expect.

Jack of Hearts in the House of Sun

Jack of Hearts in the House of Sun

For professional people, the House of Sun represents bright lights, brilliant career. The sun should break through for you soon.