Your Gong Hee Fot Choy Spread

Complete Reading

Nine of Diamonds in the House of Compasses

Nine of Diamonds in the House of Compasses

Someone is thinking of you and will pay you a visit or call on you.

Ten of Clubs in the House of Wishes

Ten of Clubs in the House of Wishes

Your wish pertains to or will be influenced by a change of some kind or a journey. Check the card in the House of journey; if a heart, diamond or club is there, a good chance for your wish; a spade- opposition.

Seven of Clubs in the House of Success

Seven of Clubs in the House of Success

A message you receive very soon will mark the coming of success for you. If you are currently out of work, a position will be offered you. If you work in sales the message will bring you a new lead or contact.

King of Diamonds in the House of Moon

King of Diamonds in the House of Moon

Some legal procedure in court with benefit you socially, or help a friend in court. If an attorney, you will win a case that helps your future; a professional in any capacity, indicates you will do something to help humanity and benefit yourself, or a wedding license will be signed.

Seven of Hearts in the House of Surprises

Seven of Hearts in the House of Surprises

Happiness is in store for you. You may have a surprise party thrown for you. Beware of jealousy among your friends. Good news is coming soon.

Eight of Hearts in the House of Popularity

Eight of Hearts in the House of Popularity

You have many admirers and people should love and highly esteem you. Fame and love for you.

Ace of Diamonds in the House of Abode

Ace of Diamonds in the House of Abode

Money will be spent in the home to a good advantage; or you are contemplating buying a home; or some new undertaking will start in the home and should meet with success; or the starting of a new business.

Ace of Spades in the House of Journey

Ace of Spades in the House of Journey

You will take a trip because of a death; or you hear of the death of someone you know who lives some distance from you; or you will make a hurried trip on account of a death; A funeral is in your future.

King of Spades in the House of Papers

King of Spades in the House of Papers

Callers will interest you with something they saw in the newspapers; or a caller whom you dislike comes; or someone wants you to sign a note; or a caller asks you to sign for a purchase. This caller is a person you would rather not see.

King of Hearts in the House of Vocation

King of Hearts in the House of Vocation

You should cultivate a cheerful disposition which will help you, or happiness in your work, or your work will be for or with very nice people; or you enjoy your work.

Queen of Diamonds in the House of Marriage

Queen of Diamonds in the House of Marriage

If you are not married before the season is past, you will have an offer of marriage soon; or you will attend the wedding of a friend.

Ten of Hearts in the House of Happiness

Ten of Hearts in the House of Happiness

You will be very happy about some marriage that will take place, either your own if single, or a very close friend or relative. A happy union or marriage.

Eight of Clubs in the House of Enjoyment

Eight of Clubs in the House of Enjoyment

Good luck in work or business; or something is placed in your way to help you; something will give you great enjoyment.

Queen of Hearts in the House of Messages

Queen of Hearts in the House of Messages

A message from friends telling you about some good time they are going to have and they will ask you to join them. A pleasant message; a shopping trip.

Eight of Diamonds in the House of Relatives

Eight of Diamonds in the House of Relatives

You may inherit stocks, bonds, or furniture from a relative at a later date, you are their favorite; or small sums of money given.

Seven of Spades in the House of Health

Seven of Spades in the House of Health

You should have good health for some time to come. If you are in the medical industry, you will be very busy.

Seven of Diamonds in the House of Money

Seven of Diamonds in the House of Money

Money matters will bring you success in the future. Concentrate on an opportunity that is present in your work environment. Do not allow money the go to your head. Remember who you are and where you came from. Be generous with those around you.

Nine of Spades in the House of Seasons

Nine of Spades in the House of Seasons

You are disappointed with something, either the location you live in or the place you work; disappointment is indicated strongly. A delayed appointment. Lucky day will be Friday.

Nine of Hearts in the House of Friends

Nine of Hearts in the House of Friends

A friend will intercede and help you get your wish if he possibly can; or a friend has something to do with what you wish for or about; or a new person you meet will help you.

Jack of Hearts in the House of Gifts

Jack of Hearts in the House of Gifts

You will receive a gift by entering some popular contest, like an ad on the radio or in the paper. If you haven't entered into such competition, do so and win. If young, an offer made to do something nice in front of the public because you merit it.

Jack of Clubs in the House of Letters

Jack of Clubs in the House of Letters

Relatives want you to write; or you receive a long delayed letter from a relative or close friend; or you will be asked to read someone's letter.

Eight of Spades in the House of Trouble

Eight of Spades in the House of Trouble

Indicates trouble, worry, and the blues. Cheer up.

Ten of Diamonds in the House of Disappointment

Ten of Diamonds in the House of Disappointment

There is a disappointment in some money you should receive; or the collection of money; or your salary is cut by shorter hours; or a deal where you make a commission falls through. Loss of money is indicated here, like the loss from your purse. But sometimes loss brings gain later.

Ace of Hearts in the House of Death

Ace of Hearts in the House of Death

You should be careful of sickness in the home; or there has been someone ill recently who will recover; or you will redecorate and clean House.

Jack of Spades in the House of Undertaking

Jack of Spades in the House of Undertaking

If you are going into a new undertaking, the outcome is doubtful. Be skilled in the particular line you enter. If you work in advertising-good new work for you.

Ten of Spades in the House of Achievement

Ten of Spades in the House of Achievement

Your best work will be done in the afternoon; or that you do your planning at night, then carry out your plans when the sun shines.

Queen of Clubs in the House of Inheritance

Queen of Clubs in the House of Inheritance

You will fall heir to an estate; or you will be appointed administrator of an estate.

Ace of Clubs in the House of Callers

Ace of Clubs in the House of Callers

You will receive a gift from someone who calls on you; or you will give a gift to a caller; or an agent calls and wants you to buy some Household appliance.

Nine of Clubs in the House of Gratitude

Nine of Clubs in the House of Gratitude

Being grateful will bring you good luck. Show gratitude and honesty at all times.

Jack of Diamonds in the House of Inquirer

Jack of Diamonds in the House of Inquirer

A letter or news of some kind is coming to you; perhaps something connected with your work. Answer your mail promptly.

Queen of Spades in the House of Luck

Queen of Spades in the House of Luck

For some good luck you have you will be very grateful to the person who helped you; or you will find something that belongs to someone else and be rewarded for returning it.

King of Clubs in the House of Sun

King of Clubs in the House of Sun

If you work indoors, do not neglect to walk and get out into the air. The sun is needed by you; or the sun will brighten your life by right living.