Your Gong Hee Fot Choy Spread

Complete Reading

Ten of Spades in the House of Compasses

Ten of Spades in the House of Compasses

The vibration of sunshine and smiles are around you. Tune into this; it is good for you. There is always sunshine after rain.

Ten of Hearts in the House of Wishes

Ten of Hearts in the House of Wishes

Your wish pertains to marriage, either yourself or someone near you, or your wish will be influenced by a union of some kind, friends or business. Check card in the House of Marriage; if a heart, diamond or club-a good chance for your wish; a spade-opposition.

King of Spades in the House of Success

King of Spades in the House of Success

A caller will influence your success. This card also indicates the law; you might receive a fine or lose your position or lose a court action. A fine successful person calls on you.

Seven of Clubs in the House of Moon

Seven of Clubs in the House of Moon

You will participate in a communication exchange regarding love. This interaction may be in the form of an email or a phone call.

Eight of Spades in the House of Surprises

Eight of Spades in the House of Surprises

A disagreeable surprise that causes trouble, or that you worry about. Do not worry. Avoid angry words.

Nine of Hearts in the House of Popularity

Nine of Hearts in the House of Popularity

Your popularity will influence your wish.

Jack of Spades in the House of Abode

Jack of Spades in the House of Abode

Someone sends evil thoughts into your home; or a robber may enter your home. Lock your doors and windows when you leave the House. Also indicates a depressing condition in the home. Relax and be happy.

Seven of Spades in the House of Journey

Seven of Spades in the House of Journey

You will take a trip to visit a sick friend; or you will take a trip to improve your health.

Queen of Spades in the House of Papers

Queen of Spades in the House of Papers

An ungrateful person will try to gain something through you-like being named in your will or made beneficiary in insurance papers; or you will be grateful to someone for helping you with your lesson or signing a paper.

Eight of Hearts in the House of Vocation

Eight of Hearts in the House of Vocation

If you are working you should love the work you are doing; or if you get a new position, you will like the work very much.

Eight of Diamonds in the House of Marriage

Eight of Diamonds in the House of Marriage

You attend a marriage; or the union with old folks, like taking care of them; you will inherit some money; or jewelry or personal belongings.

King of Diamonds in the House of Happiness

King of Diamonds in the House of Happiness

Something in a legal form will influence your happiness; also happiness through relatives or friends. If single, you will associate with professional people.

Jack of Diamonds in the House of Enjoyment

Jack of Diamonds in the House of Enjoyment

You will receive an invitation to a dance; a wedding, or a theater party; you will enjoy yourself immensely.

Nine of Spades in the House of Messages

Nine of Spades in the House of Messages

You will receive a message relating a loss of some kind; or you will lose something and send a message or phone trying to locate it; or a delayed phone call.

Eight of Clubs in the House of Relatives

Eight of Clubs in the House of Relatives

Some achievements will come through people related to you.

Jack of Clubs in the House of Health

Jack of Clubs in the House of Health

You will be much concerned over The e health of a relative or a close friend; also indicates danger in the street; or you have healthy relatives or they run a nursing home.

Ace of Hearts in the House of Money

Ace of Hearts in the House of Money

Money comes from home; or some work done at home will bring money; or you will sell your home if you own it. Money comes through a home condition.

Seven of Hearts in the House of Seasons

Seven of Hearts in the House of Seasons

Before the present season is past, happiness will be yours. Be ready to receive the good things that come your way.

Queen of Diamonds in the House of Friends

Queen of Diamonds in the House of Friends

In your lifetime you will have a very wealthy friend on whom you can depend and you benefit by it. Financial gains or good advice from this party.

Ten of Clubs in the House of Gifts

Ten of Clubs in the House of Gifts

You will receive a gift from afar; or a package you sent for arrives.

Ten of Diamonds in the House of Letters

Ten of Diamonds in the House of Letters

A letter you receive will contain money or a check; or someone will ask for a loan in a letter, use your best judgment here.

Ace of Clubs in the House of Trouble

Ace of Clubs in the House of Trouble

You have trouble over a gift, it may be damaged in delivery. Or you fret over something you want badly; or about angry words over something you bought.

Nine of Clubs in the House of Disappointment

Nine of Clubs in the House of Disappointment

A disappointment will turn out lucky for you; or by not doing something or going on a trip you expected, you avoid an accident or some other unpleasant happening.

Queen of Hearts in the House of Death

Queen of Hearts in the House of Death

You will hear of the death of a dear friend; or hear of the death of a prominent lady.

Jack of Hearts in the House of Undertaking

Jack of Hearts in the House of Undertaking

A new undertaking that is offered you should become popular and should prosper through the public's demand.

Seven of Diamonds in the House of Achievement

Seven of Diamonds in the House of Achievement

Some achievement brings big success in the future. Fame and fortune.

King of Hearts in the House of Inheritance

King of Hearts in the House of Inheritance

You will inherit valuable things from a relative or very close friend who has your welfare at heart; or a gift from a kindly person.

Nine of Diamonds in the House of Callers

Nine of Diamonds in the House of Callers

You will be surprised about an inheritance you receive and never expected; a good surprise. A debt paid; or a loan or a gift.

Queen of Clubs in the House of Gratitude

Queen of Clubs in the House of Gratitude

Someone will be grateful for a favor you bestow; or you will be grateful to someone for some past or future favor.

Ace of Diamonds in the House of Inquirer

Ace of Diamonds in the House of Inquirer

You will go into a new undertaking, or one will be offered to you. Change of conditions here in the immediate future; change for the best.

King of Clubs in the House of Luck

King of Clubs in the House of Luck

You will get a good position through good luck; or good luck attends whatever your work is now.

Ace of Spades in the House of Sun

Ace of Spades in the House of Sun

You will speak of a deceased person. They are happy because you remember them.