Your Gong Hee Fot Choy Spread

Complete Reading

Ace of Hearts in the House of Compasses

Ace of Hearts in the House of Compasses

Someone is thinking of you and wishes they were with you; or the vibration of a new home for you.

Ten of Diamonds in the House of Wishes

Ten of Diamonds in the House of Wishes

Your wish pertains to or will be influenced by money. Check card in the House of Money -- if a heart, diamond or club a good chance for your wish. A spade indicates delayed money.

Nine of Hearts in the House of Success

Nine of Hearts in the House of Success

Your wish should meet with success. A successful union is indicated soon.

King of Spades in the House of Moon

King of Spades in the House of Moon

Someone calls who should not be trusted; or a disagreement; or a lover's quarrel; or police are called in the neighborhood to settle a quarrel between husband and wife; or a romance with someone who wears a uniform.

Ten of Clubs in the House of Surprises

Ten of Clubs in the House of Surprises

You will be surprised over a change of some kind you make; or an invitation for a short trip to the beach or country. Or an offer made to take you to see some real estate.

Ace of Diamonds in the House of Popularity

Ace of Diamonds in the House of Popularity

Through your being liked, you will be offered a new position or something along the line of business; or your business will prosper. This should happen very soon and applies to anyone getting this card.

Jack of Diamonds in the House of Abode

Jack of Diamonds in the House of Abode

You can expect hasty news to be delivered to your home soon, a telegram or long-distance call or airmail letter; or news pertaining to property. Good news.

King of Diamonds in the House of Journey

King of Diamonds in the House of Journey

You may have to take a trip due to some legal procedure; or some papers will be sent to you from a distance; or some sort of papers from a distance will bring you news or knowledge you want, something you will read or sign.

Jack of Clubs in the House of Papers

Jack of Clubs in the House of Papers

You will be involved with relatives, very close business associates, or friends in court; or you will go or be called to court as a witness.

King of Clubs in the House of Vocation

King of Clubs in the House of Vocation

A new vocation is in store for you, and you should succeed. If unemployed, you will be employed soon; or you are a tireless, good worker and plenty of work is in store for you.

Ten of Hearts in the House of Marriage

Ten of Hearts in the House of Marriage

If you are single, you sure as fate will be married soon; or if you have children old enough to marry, one will get married; or a marriage takes place for someone close to you; or a reunion of old friends or relatives.

Queen of Spades in the House of Happiness

Queen of Spades in the House of Happiness

A grateful person will express his happiness for a favor bestowed by someone.

Eight of Hearts in the House of Enjoyment

Eight of Hearts in the House of Enjoyment

If you are single, you will have the love of someone whose company you enjoy very much. if married, your friends love you and enjoy your company.

Eight of Spades in the House of Messages

Eight of Spades in the House of Messages

You will receive a message relating a trouble of some kind; or you will lose something and send a message or phone trying to locate it; or a delayed phone call.

Queen of Clubs in the House of Relatives

Queen of Clubs in the House of Relatives

Relatives have a great influence in*your life; or your life is influenced by early home training; or you have nice relatives.

Ace of Spades in the House of Health

Ace of Spades in the House of Health

You should be careful with your health, if you are doing dangerous work or dangerous recreational activities, be careful; also indicates a short sick spell; or ill health of a close relative.

Seven of Hearts in the House of Money

Seven of Hearts in the House of Money

Due to a financial windfall, you will be able to purchase something you want. This purchase will give you much happiness and satisfaction.

Jack of Hearts in the House of Seasons

Jack of Hearts in the House of Seasons

If you are in the theatrical world, you will become famous before many seasons. Also if merchandising, your product will be in demand before long; or your services will be sought.

Ten of Spades in the House of Friends

Ten of Spades in the House of Friends

Something will be presented that sounds like a good investment, the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow that will turn out to be brass. Be careful; this will come through a friend who really thinks this is a good investment. Investigate any offer well.

Queen of Hearts in the House of Gifts

Queen of Hearts in the House of Gifts

A friend will bring you a beautiful gift, something you have wanted for a long time.

Jack of Spades in the House of Letters

Jack of Spades in the House of Letters

You will receive a letter that annoys you; a letter from a spiteful person; or an unjust bill; something disturbing; or plenty of mail if in business, good publicity or radio work or advertising or a contest won on the radio.

Eight of Diamonds in the House of Trouble

Eight of Diamonds in the House of Trouble

You will have trouble over an inheritance gift; or over a delayed payment due, collection of money.

Seven of Clubs in the House of Disappointment

Seven of Clubs in the House of Disappointment

You will be disappointed when those who promised to call you do not do so. Possibly the cancellation of a business conference or some other type of meeting will dishearten you. Someone may phone you and tell you of a loss they have experienced.

King of Hearts in the House of Death

King of Hearts in the House of Death

You will hear of the death of someone you cared for; the party may be a relative.

Nine of Clubs in the House of Undertaking

Nine of Clubs in the House of Undertaking

A new venture will be lucky, go in and you will win.

Seven of Spades in the House of Achievement

Seven of Spades in the House of Achievement

Your health will have something to do with your achievements; or the health of someone else will affect you; or good health and achievement are in store for you.

Nine of Diamonds in the House of Inheritance

Nine of Diamonds in the House of Inheritance

You will be surprised about an inheritance you receive and never expected; a good surprise. A debt paid; or a loan or a gift.

Nine of Spades in the House of Callers

Nine of Spades in the House of Callers

You will be disappointed in people whom you entertain. Also indicates robbery or you will miss something after someone leaves. Take care; there is a loss through callers; or people you expect to call break their appointment.

Ace of Clubs in the House of Gratitude

Ace of Clubs in the House of Gratitude

You will be grateful for a gift you need very badly; or you will be thanked for help you give to a deserving person.

Queen of Diamonds in the House of Inquirer

Queen of Diamonds in the House of Inquirer

Time affects your personal affairs; you are waiting for something to happen or develop. Also old folks have something to do with your personal life. Things will change for you before the next season has passed. A big change for you.

Seven of Diamonds in the House of Luck

Seven of Diamonds in the House of Luck

Through a lucky strike on your part success will come to you.

Eight of Clubs in the House of Sun

Eight of Clubs in the House of Sun

Indicates happiness. Cheerful working companions or employees.