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Your Celtic Cross Greenwood Tarot Reading





The Greenwoman


Breath of Life

Wheel of Fortune
The Greenman


The Significator represents you and your current state of being.

The Greenwoman

The Greenwoman

This is a time of rich nurturing and protection, learning and initiation, a time of loving and fertile relationships, both on the human scale and with the universe.

The Greenwoman mediates the sacred sovereignty of the Earth's soul and can show the path to understanding of and communion with nature. But with this blessing comes responsibility. Remember this glorious, magnanimous and generous spirit can live through you, radiated by the sacred breath of life and given to others who need guidance and healing.

Learn from the abundant and joyous spirit of the Earth and be at one with the world and your true self.


The Greenwoman is she who blesses those that come through the gateway of life, with love, healing and protection. She is the spiritual and actual warmth of the midsummer sun, and gives the breath of life to nature, and the newly born.

Wild roses, symbol of an open heart, flow from her. Round her neck is a gold torc, a symbol of her sovereignty as Empress. Her golden cup is of amber, a translucent resin often called the teardrops of the sun.

The Greenwoman is also a tree in full leaf supporting many other species in its branches. She is abundance made manifest.

The Sheila-na-gig is the gateway of life. The flame on her third eye burns with divine intelligence and inner wisdom. She is also the oracle, voicing the heart of the land. She is the empowered heart, at one with herself, independent, creative, loving, stable, abundant, nurturing herself and others.

The Crossing Card denotes that which opposes or influences you.



Two of Arrows

False judgement, ignorance or arrogance. Sitting in judgement but with unbalanced scales. The bow lies broken and useless because of prejudice.


The scales of justice are already unbalanced in favour of the light, and the 'white'.

Someone who judges others from a position of arrogant superiority, often stemming from a fearful withdrawn heart.

The Foundation Card addresses the origin of your question.



Ten of Wands

The challenge of dealing with responsibility brings a need for inner fortitude and stamina. This requires courage. The weight of the burden may be heavy. Face this with resolve and welcome this testing experience with enthusiasm.


A feeling of being burdened, weighed down by the responsibility of work or caring for others. Try to delegate and lay down some of the load.

The Recent Past represents past events and concerns.



Knight of Stones

Revered as a ruthless tracker and hunter, the wolf has had a special symbolism for thousands of years and was the subject of ancient Pictish stone carvings.

Comfortable in the dark and cold of winter, it was seen as a guardian of the dead on their journey through the night to the Otherworld.


This card is one of guardianship. Someone who is essentially protective, a loyal companion on long journeys, who remains their own person.

A defender of your boundaries, leaving you safe to withdraw from the world.

A provider, but one who is not tied to a life at home, but is restless. Their power needs matching to hold them.

The Crown issues that are significant in the present or may come to pass in the future. This card foretells future events which you may or may not occur, depending upon how you respond to the present situation.



You must be balanced and patient. The time is right to rest and contemplate all the facets of your existence. To continue now you must be still and calm.

Finding the inner balance that will enable you to see beyond the present state is a process of trust and confidence in your own strengths. These facets may include the parts of your psyche that you would rather not deal with, but no amount of denial will rid you of the need to absorb and reclaim them.

Balance is absolutely necessary to free the inner self from the fears and self-doubts that keep us spiritually deaf, dumb and blind.

Once the natural state of balance is achieved, the plateau that will give you access to the higher self will be open before you.

Drawing this card can indicate a new harmony in your relationship or in a friendship. A creative phase in which you will blossom. An inner balance.


All dualities of light and dark, fire (red) and air (white) land and water, active and passive, are blended together creating a new third force - the green and fertile land, the person in balance with themselves, who is both grounded and creative, (Creativity, three of stones) and who radiates that energised peace (Fulfillment, 3 of wands) generated by someone at one with themselves.

Three has always been a very sacred number, representing creation, i.e., one + one = another.

The fleur-de-lis, iris or flag, in flower this time of year is a symbol of the three-in-one, the three worlds unified.

Drawing this card can indicate a new harmony in your relationship or in a friendship. A creative phase in which you will blossom. An inner balance.

The Future depicts that which lies ahead.

Breath of Life

Breath of Life

Ace of Arrows

The Uffington chalk hill figure breathing the vitality of life - a renewal of vitality combined with knowledge of where you wish to be and how to get there.


Tender and gentle love that revives one with the 'kiss' of life. Renewal of inspiration, a reconnection to life, truth and wisdom, spoken from the horse's mouth.

Emotions card signifies the current state of your emotional self.

The Greenman

The Greenman

The Greenman is generous in his bestowal of creative, fertile energy and he will move you to a new confident a assertive dynamism. This is a time of both giving and receiving the natural flow of life both inwardly and outwardly. Be prepared to find a new and thriving drive to begin projects, relationships and even new ways of living your life and fulfilling your world.

Now is the time to experience being a the apex of the cycle of life. Enjoy it!


The Greenman like the Greenwoman balances position with love, and radiates this outwards for the benefit of others. They are the guardians of others, mediators between the spiritual, the natural and the human, hence the original titles, The Emperor and The Empress.

Ideally their stable abundance is shared with their community for the good of the land, with an empowered heart. A sharing without arrogance. A kind and forceful personality. A good and responsible father. A speaker of truth on behalf of the land.

Sometimes the Greenman and Greenwoman live 'in their heads' alienated from the realities of life outside their own world, not wanting to face the shaky foundations of their lives; when these cracks can be suppressed no longer, the fall comes in The Blasted Oak.

External Forces represents the influence of others in your life as well as trends in your relationships with others.

Wheel of Fortune

Wheel of Fortune

The Wheel has turned, change is at hand. In all nature there is a time and tide. The cyclic laws of birth, death, rebirth are ever-revolving and without change all things stagnate. It is how you deal with this change that is the issue here. Within the tangled and tightly woven fabric of chance you have the power to make a difference.

By your own actions you can change your own life. You are not a prisoner of fate, but an integrated part of it.

Remember! This is not a dress rehearsal. Life is what happens to you while you are waiting for it to begin!

Whether on the surface the change at hand appears to be for the better or for the worse, welcome it, be at peace with it and take control of your own actions within it. Remember, all things must pass.


Across the loom are spread the warp and weft of living green, stretching in all four directions out to infinity. These connect you with to the cosmic web, or the web of wyrd (fate) for your life is intimately connected to that of the living universe. At the base of the loom hang the loom weights. You are weaving the cloak that is the pattern of your life.

There is a process of interaction at work in this card and the mediators are the three cloaked figures standing at the lower right of the cloak. These are the three fates, the norns, the hooded ones who watch over your destiny.

It is important to know that your weaving is flexible, your destiny is not woven for you, it is an interaction; every one of your actions can affect a change in the design of your cloak at any point. It is never finished but is continually unravelling and being rewoven.

You may have severed the threads binding you to others for reasons of self-protection - these can be rewoven, carefully linking you to the abundance of the world (six of wands, Harvest) thereby avoiding unwanted situations (six of stones, Exploitation).

Hopes and Desires stands for the hopes and desires you have for the outcome of your question.



Seven of Arrows

Ungrounded fears and confusion lead to instability and panic, self-torture through guilt or illusion and the need to deal with fragmented or rejected aspects of personality.


...attacked by anxieties and nightmares, unable to see a clear way out as ungrounded.

The solution is to protect one's boundaries, call in warmth of support; the need for intense physical activity to help one to ground some of the panic.

The Outcome the ultimate outcome your question. Remember the future is not predetermined. Interpret this card in the context of the entire reading and as an indicator of the path you are currently on, but not bound to.



Five of Stones

The inner strength and courage to protect yourself and survive the challenges of life. This may mean a withdrawal from trauma to focus emotional power.


... watching lightning strike the home, the emotional centre.

Temporary withdrawal, looking on, unsure of how best to handle the situation.

This inactivity initially taken as self-protection, can become over-passivity.