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Your Astrological Minchiate Tarot Reading


The Eastern Emperor Reversed
Ten of Cups
The Page of Swords
Ace of Cups
Two of Wands Reversed
The Knight of Wands
The Moon
The Nine of Wands
The Wheel of Fortune
Eight of Swords
Seven of Cups


Your Self Overall

The Moon

The Moon

This card represents serendipity, creativity and the coming to life of psychic powers. It may also signify dangers yet seen, deception and bad luck for someone dear to you.

Your Current Mood (The Card of Aries)

The Knight of Wands

The Knight of Wands

Energy and generosity countered by cruelty. Unrestrained impulsiveness.

Matters Concerning Finance (The Card of Taurus)

The Nine of Wands

The Nine of Wands

Your struggles are at a pause. Prepare for them to renew themselves. Persistency will pay off in the end.

Matters Concerning Travel and Communication (The Card of Gemini)



Creativity and a love of home are the key elements of Cancer.

Matters of the Home, Parents and Children (The Card of Cancer)

The Wheel of Fortune

The Wheel of Fortune

This card signifies success and a change of fortune for the better. Chance is on your side.

Matters of Pleasure (The Card of Leo)

Seven of Cups

Seven of Cups

Deception, an overactive imagination, and the illusion of success. Strengths are not consolidated to work as one.

Matters of Health (The Card of Virgo)

Eight of Swords

Eight of Swords

Indecision and betrayal may imprision you. Fear may be paralyzing and make if difficult to move away from present problems.

Matters of Partnerships and Marriage (The Card of Libra)



Leo denotes the power to be a leader without becoming tyrannical.

Matters of Death and Inheritance (The Card of Scorpio)

Two of Wands Reversed

Two of Wands Reversed

New ventures may prove unfruitful. Adversity may be experienced in all or any arena of life.

Matters of the Spiritual, Education and Dreams (The Card of Sagittarius)

Ten of Cups

Ten of Cups

Happiness and satisfaction can be had. The spiritual self leads to great loves, friendships and success.

Matters of Career (The Card of Capricorn)

Ace of Cups

Ace of Cups

Love, joy, and contentment productiveness and fertility can be had.

Matters of Friendship (The Card of Aquarius)

The Eastern Emperor Reversed

The Eastern Emperor Reversed

This card represents immaturity and loss of control, spiritual weakness.

Matters of Burdens, Opposition and Fears (The Card of Pisces)

The Page of Swords

The Page of Swords

Youth if not in age then in spirit. Adept at diplomacy.


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