Your Astrological Minchiate Tarot Reading


The Eastern Emperor
The King of Wands Reversed
Three of Cups Reversed
Fame Reversed
The Seven of Wands
The Nine of Wands
Queen of Swords
Eight of Coins Reversed
Four of Swords


Your Self Overall



This card represents harmony, self control and a synchronization with the world and others.

Your Current Mood (The Card of Aries)

The Seven of Wands

The Seven of Wands

Courage will bring victory. Success seems certain

Matters Concerning Finance (The Card of Taurus)



With The Bull comes strength, loyalty and determination.

Matters Concerning Travel and Communication (The Card of Gemini)

Eight of Coins Reversed

Eight of Coins Reversed

Possible failure. Vanity and underhandedness must be watched for. Skills may be misused.

Matters of the Home, Parents and Children (The Card of Cancer)

The Nine of Wands

The Nine of Wands

Your struggles are at a pause. Prepare for them to renew themselves. Persistency will pay off in the end.

Matters of Pleasure (The Card of Leo)

Four of Swords

Four of Swords

A period of rest and restoration of energies. Tensions subside. Good changes are soon to come.

Matters of Health (The Card of Virgo)

Queen of Swords

Queen of Swords

Often mournful from loss or infertility. Quick witted, gracious and kind but firm.

Matters of Partnerships and Marriage (The Card of Libra)



Fire denotes the unleashing of raw energy and change. The status quo may be about to crumble, but will be replaced something better. Fire also provides light to those in the dark and warmth for a cold body and spirit.

Matters of Death and Inheritance (The Card of Scorpio)



Libra denotes justice and balance. That which should rightfully be shall be.

Matters of the Spiritual, Education and Dreams (The Card of Sagittarius)

The King of Wands Reversed

The King of Wands Reversed

Ruthless, the misuse of power, intolerance and predjudice.

Matters of Career (The Card of Capricorn)

Fame Reversed

Fame Reversed

The card represents the failure to find happiness, disenchantment, and the loss of possessions.

Matters of Friendship (The Card of Aquarius)

The Eastern Emperor

The Eastern Emperor

The qualities of The Emperor include the ability to lead and wield power. He is paternal and mentally quick, spiritually complete as well.

Matters of Burdens, Opposition and Fears (The Card of Pisces)

Three of Cups Reversed

Three of Cups Reversed

Overindulgence leads to pain and failure.