Your Planetary Minchiate Tarot Reading


The Magus




Ace of Swords
The Eight of Wands    Four of Cups

Page of Cups    Eight of Swords


Ace of Wands


The World


Your Self Overall

The World

The World

This card represents the success in all its forms, liberation from want and a celestial consciousness.

Matters Concerning Your Home (The Moon Card)

Four of Cups

Four of Cups

A period of rest in your life and dissatisfaction with material gains. Re-evaluation of your goals.

Matters Concerning Business, Skills and Integrity (The Card of Mercury)

Ace of Swords

Ace of Swords

The triumph of power and will. Emotions are felt strongly. Great activity abounds. The heroic personality is near or soon to be born.

Matters Concerning Love (The Card of Venus)

The Eight of Wands

The Eight of Wands

Things done hastily will prove to be poorly done. Think and plan before setting crucial actions into motion.

Matters Concerning Hostility, Opposition and Aggression (The Card of Mars)

The Magus

The Magus

This card represents the force of your will, the mastery of skills and your creative talents.

Matters of Finance, Acquisition and Wealth (The Card of Jupiter)

Ace of Wands

Ace of Wands

A new venture is on the horizon. This new venture may be anything from a journey or business to a family.

Matters of the Intellect (The Card of Saturn)

Eight of Swords

Eight of Swords

Indecision and betrayal may imprision you. Fear may be paralyzing and make if difficult to move away from present problems.

The Outcome

Page of Cups

Page of Cups

New business opportunities arise. An overactive imagination.