Your Astrological Tarot Reading


The Six of Wands
Queen of Cups
Four of Swords
Four of Wands Reversed
Three of Pentacles
King of Swords
The Lovers
Nine of Swords
Queen of Pentacles
The Hierophant
Eight of Swords Reversed


Your Self Overall

The Lovers

The Lovers

The drawing of two forces together, choices, temptations. The fight between the sacred and the secular. Accord of the inner and worldly self.

Your Current Mood (The Card of Aries)

King of Swords

King of Swords

The ability to govern and give good advice. A powerful enemy and staunch friend. Strong, authorative and able to lead.

Matters Concerning Finance (The Card of Taurus)



This card represents the fulfillment of justice and balance.

Matters Concerning Travel and Communication (The Card of Gemini)



This is the card of change and renewal, the emergence of new ideas and opportunites.

Matters of the Home, Parents and Children (The Card of Cancer)

Queen of Pentacles

Queen of Pentacles

Feminine qualities take the forefront. In tune with the earth. Nurturing. Wealth and security. Talents put to good use.

Matters of Pleasure (The Card of Leo)

Eight of Swords Reversed

Eight of Swords Reversed

Fresh starts are possible.

Matters of Health (The Card of Virgo)

The Hierophant

The Hierophant

A lover of tradition and ceremony, The Hierphant needs social approval and appreciates the positive aspects of conformity.

Matters of Partnerships and Marriage (The Card of Libra)

Nine of Swords

Nine of Swords

Sorrow, loss and impossible burdens may be present or near.

Matters of Death and Inheritance (The Card of Scorpio)

Three of Pentacles

Three of Pentacles

Material fortunes grow. Crafts or arts are mastered.

Matters of the Spiritual, Education and Dreams (The Card of Sagittarius)

Queen of Cups

Queen of Cups

Success and happiness are attainable in all their forms. Visions and dreams are realized. Honesty, devotion and loyalty are enjoyed.

Matters of Career (The Card of Capricorn)

Four of Wands Reversed

Four of Wands Reversed

Peace and prospertiy will be had, yet something may still seem missing.

Matters of Friendship (The Card of Aquarius)

The Six of Wands

The Six of Wands

Good news will come to you. Success will be realized through labor and industry.

Matters of Burdens, Opposition and Fears (The Card of Pisces)

Four of Swords

Four of Swords

A period of rest and restoration of energies. Tensions subside. Good changes are soon to come.