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Your Birthday Charm Cast

The Food Charm Reversed   Book of Charms   The Caduceus   The Crescent and Hand
The Serpent   Taurus The Bull Reversed   Libra the Balance Reversed
Gemini the Twins   The Hand


Your Present Position in the World

The Food Charm Reversed

The Food Charm Reversed

You must take steps to protect your body from what you ingest. This aspect is affected by a poor diet. You have a bad habit of filling your body with things you know are not good for you.

Your Goals for the Next Year

Book of Charms

Book of Charms

A would be intruder into your private affairs will be averted by steps you take to protect this aspect. The book of charms indicates you should take extra steps to protect information and beware of anyone asking for personal data.

That Which Empowers You

The Caduceus

The Caduceus

You will find you have within you the ability to resolve all conflicts and disagreements with regard to this aspect. You will find an eloquence you did not realize before.

Powers You Need to Develop

The Crescent and Hand

The Crescent and Hand

Guests and visitors will come calling. Their visit brings happiness and joy. This aspect will reflect these emotions for weeks after the visit.

Your Present Material Self

The Serpent

The Serpent

This aspect will be affected by someone's illness being shed. Their healing will cause positive changes within this aspect for you.

Your Present Emotional State

Taurus The Bull Reversed

Taurus The Bull Reversed

This aspect of your life will be strongly influenced by a person who is jealous, possessive, resentful, inflexible, self-indulgent and greedy. Keep a close eye on this person, because any jealousy they have toward you could have a negative impact on your future.

Your Present Spiritual Self

Libra the Balance Reversed

Libra the Balance Reversed

This aspect of your life will be strongly influenced by a person who is indecisive, changeable, gullible, easily infuenced, flirtatious and self-indulgent. This person is a friend of a friend.

That Which Opposes You

Gemini the Twins

Gemini the Twins

This aspect of your life will be strongly influenced by a person who is adaptable, versatile, communicative, witty, intellectual, eloquent, youthful and lively. This could be a sibling, a child or a very close friend.

What You Need to Do to Realize Your Goals

The Hand

The Hand

The hand indicates you will need to extend effort to protect this aspect from outside influences. The devices attached indicate you will need tools to be successful in your protection.