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Your Celtic Cross Charm Cast

The Tet
Capricornus the Goat Reversed


The Eye Agate Reversed
The Tau Cross

The Amulet Box


Abraxas Reversed
The Buckle of Isis Reversed

The Bulla
The Heart
The Hei Tiki Reversed


The Significator

The Amulet Box

The Amulet Box

There are papers in your near future. This aspect is affect by legal papers of some kind--a contract, a deed or a liscense of some kind. These papers will bring improvement to your life.

The Crossing Card

The Tau Cross

The Tau Cross

A journey that you or someone close to you must make will have a positive influence on this aspect. This trip may be over a great distance.

The Foundation Card

The Heart

The Heart

A course of events that cannot be altered has been set in motion within this aspect. Accept whatever happens in the near future and do not waste your time fretting about it--you can do nothing.

The Recent Past

The Eye Agate Reversed

The Eye Agate Reversed

You are about to experience an event within this aspect that will bring fear to your life. You will find yourself having to do without.

The Crown

The Tet

The Tet

This aspect is influenced by someone who finds you irresistable, yet they will say nothing of it.

The Future

Abraxas Reversed

Abraxas Reversed

A powerful force will rule you within aspect for the duration of a year. Your will be given few choices to make as most will be made for you. This force is malevolent in nature and the end result will be negative.


The Hei Tiki Reversed

The Hei Tiki Reversed

The Hei Tiki tells you it is time to relax, step back from your daily routine. Stop pushing yourself so hard and partake in some enjoyment. Relaxation will improve this aspect greatly.

External Forces

The Bulla

The Bulla

You are distracted from this aspect by other areas of your life you feel are more pressing. This aspect is suffering from this lack of attention. You must ask yourself how much more you can let it suffer before you give it due attention.

Hopes and Desires

The Buckle of Isis Reversed

The Buckle of Isis Reversed

Someone will, or has told a lie about you regarding this aspect and damaged your reputation in ways that may not become apparent to you for many weeks.

The Outcome

Capricornus the Goat Reversed

Capricornus the Goat Reversed

This aspect of your life will be strongly influenced by a person who is pessimistic, fatalistic, miserly, grudging, over conventional and rigid--maybe someone in the insurance industry.