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Your Past, Present, Future MahJong Reading

The three Mahjong tiles in this reading represent your past, present and future situations.

Scroll down to learn the influence of each Mahjong Tile.

Wan 9

That Which is Behind You

Bamboo 2

Your Current Place

Bamboo 8

That Which is Before You


That Which is Behind You

Wan 9

Wan 9
Symbol: Heaven

The Heaven tile suggests completion. This tile denotes a time for you to consider moving on to your next goal.

Your Current Place

Bamboo 2

Bamboo 2
Symbol: Duck

The Duck tile symbolizes a long lasting relationship with the strength to overcome all obstacles. It suggests fidelity and trustworthiness as well. Regardless of the type of partnership in question, the 2 Bamboo tile indicates a strong, healthy relationship.

That Which is Before You

Bamboo 8

Bamboo 8
Symbol: Mushroom

The Mushroom tile represents eternal life and oddity. It gets these attributes from the fact that mushrooms in nature always seem to regenerate and often popup where they are unexpected. The notion of oddity is derived from the mushroom seemingly having the nature of a plant, but lacking leaves. The Mushroom tile foretells the coming of unexpected events that will have a lasting impact on you.