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Your Mandala Minchiate Tarot Reading


The Knight of Wands
Queen of Cups
Knight of Swords
Nine of Cups     The Wheel of Fortune     Nine of Coins
Four of Swords
Two of Coins


Your Self Overall

The Wheel of Fortune

The Wheel of Fortune

This card signifies success and a change of fortune for the better. Chance is on your side.

Your Ambitions, Desires and Primal Urges

Knight of Swords

Knight of Swords

Youth and bravado. Sometimes a dominating personality, but honest and courageous. Misfortune may be coming or passing.

Your Ideals, Goals, Path to Spiritual Contentment

Nine of Coins

Nine of Coins

Material wealth enjoyed alone. Knowledge of the workings of those things in your best interest. Love of home and garden.

Your Real Accomplishments and True Path



Sagittarius upright denotes strength and energy tempered by wordly wisdom and civility.

Your Dependencies, Addictions and Erroneous Values

Two of Coins

Two of Coins

At ease with change. Able to juggle more than one situtation at a time. New ventures may be hard to get underway. Hard work mixed with unreliability.

Your Strengths and Positive Personality Traits

Four of Swords

Four of Swords

A period of rest and restoration of energies. Tensions subside. Good changes are soon to come.

Your Faults and Weaknesses

Nine of Cups

Nine of Cups

Success and happiness are attained. The good things in life can be had. Good health will be enjoyed.

Your Self Awareness and Self-Image

Queen of Cups

Queen of Cups

Success and happiness are attainable in all their forms. Visions and dreams are realized. Honesty, devotion and loyalty are enjoyed.

Your Desires, and Higher Purpose

The Knight of Wands

The Knight of Wands

Energy and generosity countered by cruelty. Unrestrained impulsiveness.


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