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Your Cross and Triangle Tarot Reading


Eight of Swords Reversed
The King of Wands
Page of Cups Reversed
Queen of Cups Reversed
Queen of Cups Reversed
The Fool
The Empress
The Hermit
The Queen of Wands


You the Significator and Your Life Force

Page of Cups Reversed

Page of Cups Reversed

Obstacles and bad news. A lack of creativity. Deception.

That Which Influences Your Thoughts

Eight of Swords Reversed

Eight of Swords Reversed

Fresh starts are possible.

That Which Influences Your Emotions

The Lovers

The Lovers

The drawing of two forces together, choices, temptations. The fight between the sacred and the secular. Accord of the inner and worldly self.

That Which Influences Your Spirit

Queen of Cups Reversed

Queen of Cups Reversed

An ugly, unreliable character. Dishonesty and immorality are possible.

That Which Influences Your Physical Self

The King of Wands

The King of Wands

Passionate, a spry body and mind, honesty and friendliness.

Forces that Oppose You

The Empress

The Empress

This card represents wealth, marriage, fertility and creativity.

Other Forces that Oppose You

The Queen of Wands

The Queen of Wands

The power to acquire that which is wanted. A productive mind and body. A loving nature. Success.

Energies You Need to Bring to the Forefront

The Hermit

The Hermit

The Hermit represents the quiet, solitary pursuit of inner knowledge. He is a seeker of deeper, truer understandings of all things.

The Outcome

The Fool

The Fool

This card represents the dreamer in you, the idealist, the mystic. The Fool desires to do great things. He must always be very careful of the choices he makes, and remember knowledge is his ally.


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