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Astrology Compatibility & Romance Report

Explore your relationship or potential relationship with our free Astrology Compatibility and Romance report. This report compares a couple's individual natal horoscopes to evaluate their romantic and platonic compatibility. The report uses many of Astrology's basic elements such as Zodiac signs and aspects to determine the future outlook for a match. Get your free romance assessment.

Astrology Compatibility & Romance Report

Tony Robbins: Why We Do What We Do, and How We Can Do It Better

Tony Robbins discusses the "invisible forces" that make us do what we do -- and high-fives Al Gore in the front row.

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Birthday Celebrity Natal Horoscopes for September 16, 2024

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How to Enhance Your Moon in Aquarius

Moon Crystal: Clear Quartz

This crystal can take on the energies of the person that wears them, it can also be programmed for each individual persons needs and/or wants, and it can balance out static energies which can clear out fear of change.

When your moon is Aquarius you tend to be eccentric, original and independent. You can be very conscious of the environment, humanity and the planet. You are more passionate about humanitarian issues than with personal relationships. You can tend to be rather detached. You are very intuitive and your instinct about people are usually right on. You enjoy all people no matter what walk of life they come from.

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Sacred Relationships

Our most intimate experience of self is often that of what we need, wish for, or want, and so it is natural for us to imagine and hope for what we desire in another. Sometimes this wishing comes from our better self - the part that knows what we truly need and has higher aspirations for ourselves and others. But sometimes we wish for less than what is good for us, and more of what is comfortable or reassuring for us in the moment.

This dilemma of 'need' and 'want' often gets projected onto relationships in which we want the 'other' to be who we want them to be or need them to be, rather than who they are. When tendencies are strong in this direction, we no longer see another as who they truly are. Rather, we see them through the prism of our own fears and projections. This creates a great burden for relationships, since mutual projections of one onto the other prevent the natural expression and evolution of intimacy and shared growth. They bring the relationship into a more perilous place of trying to satisfy the immediate needs of each person - needs that are not fully disclosed. Such relationships may be considered 'karmic relationships' rather than sacred relationships, (if we are speaking of the consciousness in which they are held, rather than the innate sacredness of every relationship), for they are based on the unconscious needs and fears of each participant, often carried from lifetime to lifetime and projected into each new situation.

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Crystals for Sun Sign in Taurus


Birthstone: Emerald

Abundance Stone: Peridot

You are ruled by Venus, which is the goddess of love. It is said that the Emerald, your birthstone is her favorite stone. You love all the finer things in life, you love comfort and Emerald encourages these traits.

Wearing Emeralds helps you find a loyal and true love, the kind that is associated with domestic bliss. It also encourages your strength of character and diminishes any negatives in life that could come up. Taurus does not like change and Emerald keeps your life and being balanced.

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