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Astrology Forecast for November 2012 - General Tendencies for All Sun Signs

Written by: Janet (Sparrow) Moon
Published on: November 1, 2012
Category: Astrology

Scorpio Astrology Art

Its going to be a November to remember. Mercury's retrograde will be upon us this month. And, that's not all! Mars will be stirring up the Uranus-Pluto conflict, and we will be under the influence of a solar and a lunar eclipse. Even the spectacular Leonid meteor shower is going to be a disappointment this year. There will be challenges and changes for us to deal with this month, and some of us will be quite proud of ourselves when its all over.

November begins on All Saints Day with an argument between Venus and Uranus, which could bring rapid mood swings. There could be more trouble when the weekend of November 2nd begins as Venus moves her conflict to Pluto. Arguments could turn into nuclear disasters on Saturday, November 3rd, but we will feel much calmer on November 4th (the day daylight savings time ends). That extra hour of sleep will also help.

Mercury will turn retrograde on Election Day (US), Tuesday, November 6th, and Jupiter and the the Sun will be encouraging us to exaggerate and disagree. Some astrologers are forecasting unexpected election results and possibly even recounts. Be sure and vote this year. Your vote really could make a difference. Many of us could receive a bonus or commendation from the boss on Thursday and Friday, November 8th and 9th. Our past hard work could also bring rewards in other areas of our lives over these couple of days. The Libra moon may encourage us to visit friends and attend social events over the weekend of November 10th, but beware of overindulging in addictions with Neptune at direct station on Veterans Day, Sunday, November 11th.

The week of November 12th could bring a feeling of confinement and uneasiness throughout most of the week with Saturn and Uranus poking at one another. We will also be under the influence of a total solar eclipse on Tuesday, November 13th. Some psychics say that a solar eclipse has 10 times the energy of a typical new moon. Astrologers believe that eclipses bring changes. With the eclipse in Scorpio, there's a good chance that a conflict will get blown way out of proportion, and relationships (including professional relationships) could end. The Saturn-Uranus tension will hit its peak on Thursday, November 15th, the Islamic New Year. It will not be a good week to make any life changing decisions.

Life will begin to improve over the weekend of November 16th with Mars and Neptune stimulating creative work. Mercury will also be moving in front of the Sun, encouraging brilliant ideas. The Leonid meteor shower on Saturday, November 17th, is expected to only be a trickle, but look up anyhow! You may just get lucky. The Moon will enter Aquarius on Sunday, November 18th, encouraging us to think out of the box. It would be a great weekend for holiday decorating.

The days leading up to the US Thanksgiving holiday, the week of November 19th, should be rather productive, but many of us will begin to encounter some turbulence by Wednesday, November 21st. The Sun, Venus, and Neptune will be making a lopsided triangle, and Mars will be re-energizing the Uranus-Pluto conflict. We may be feeling social and creative, but actually our instincts will be way off. There is also a very high potential for accidents. If we don't wreck the car on the way to Grandma's house, and Grandma manages not to set the kitchen on fire, we may still find it difficult to eat our holiday dinners with our feet in our mouths. It may be best to imagine you are walking on egg shells through Friday, November 23rd.

Harmonic forces from Mars and Saturn should help to keep the weekend of November 23rd running smoothly. Even though Mercury will be turning direct (at direct station) on Monday, November 26th, we may not care. When Mercury turns direct there could be travel delays and communication problems (including computers), but this time we will have 4 major planets, the Sun, Uranus, Venus, and Saturn, encouraging us to party! In fact some of us may actually get overly focused into partying and party planning to avoid dealing with personal issues.

Don't worry, for those of us avoiding something as the week of November 26th begins, the lunar eclipse will probably smack us upside the head on Wednesday, November 28th. This eclipse will have 4 planets sending it some extra brilliance. Mars and Pluto will be on one side of the Sun, and Venus and Saturn will be equally balanced on the other side of the Sun. These four planets will increase the focus of the Sun's energy into the Gemini Full Moon. That could mean big changes for Geminis! The funny thing is, we all have Gemini somewhere in our charts, so there is a potential for unwanted changes for all of us during this time. After all that, there is a good possibility that we will spend the last couple days of November bragging about our near misses and heroic behavior.

December looks like it will be a much more normal month with some ups and downs, but nothing too extreme. Some may find themselves feeling very restless as the Solstice approaches, and there could be accidents on Christmas Day. Check back next month to find out more.

Janet (Sparrow) Moon is a professional psychic and astrologer. You can visit her web site for more articles about upcoming events in astrology, and to read her daily astrology general tendencies forecast. (This article can be reprinted freely online, as long as the entire article and this bio are included.) http://www.sparrowmoon.com/