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Astrology: To Believe Or Not To Believe!

Written by: Ginger Red Hawk
Published on: July 17, 2011
Category: Astrology

astro clock

In its traditional form, Astrology believes that the positions and movements of celestial bodies like the stars, moon, sun and planets at the time of birth has significant impact on one's life. In its psychological form, Astrotherapy is a type of New-Age science used for self-understanding and personality analysis. While believers would like to afford Astrology the status of a science, the lack of empirical evidence has at most resulted in Astrology being labeled an alternate science. There are many arguments for and against Astrology and only by knowing facts as they are, can one choose to be a believer or not.

Astrology: A believer's view

Astrology is believed by millions of people and has survived for centuries. From the ancient Chaldeans and Assyrians engaged in astrological predictions some 3,000 years ago, to Nancy & Ronald Reagan more recently, Astrology has found support amongst the people. The belief that, humans as a race are somehow connected to the wider cosmos is reassuring at some instinctive level. Being connected to the totality of things instills a feeling of being closer to God and this feeling may be the basis of many a believer. Also, Astrology generally uses basic, archetypal qualities found throughout humanity so people find it a useful intuitive tool with which to describe themselves, others and the relationship between them.

Since Astrology is not an exact science it is vulnerable to con artists. However, serious Astrologers scorn trivial horoscope predictions the like of which we find in popular newspapers and magazines. All popular astrology in which people are labeled as of a certain type on the basis of their sun sign alone is seen by serious astrologers as frivolous and not worthy of defense. An individual astrological reading by a skilled astrologer instead gives a way for the individual to divine his or her own feelings about the present. This can give them the opportunity to understand those feelings which may be barriers to possible futures and so better act in the present to bring about a desired future.

While most people tend to think Astrology is popular only with people who have an external locus of control, that is not so. In fact, Astrology believes that every individual is given sufficient will and purpose to overcome the most adverse astrological circumstances. What will differ however is the degree of struggle required to attain their desired goals.

Also, some Astrologer's argue that there is a link between the length of a woman's menstrual cycle and the length of the phases of the moon. The idea is that if the gravitational forces of the Earth and the moon can affect tides and aquatic life like oysters, then why not humans? Humans too are made of 70% water after all.

Additionally, most Astrologers don't aim to achieve the status of an exact science for Astrology. They measure their success in terms of their client's happiness and general well being. Thus, in that Astrology brings desired changes in the life of an individual, it can be considered similar to other exact sciences that have a similar purpose - betterment of human life.

Astrology: Cynics Speak

Cynics are not quite so convinced of the accuracy of Astrology. They believe that Astrology has no relevance to understanding human behavior or the cosmos and our place in it. Just because an individual believes in Astrology does not suggest evidence enough to call it a science.

Also, just because the length of the moon's phases and that of the female menstrual cycle is similar, it does not suggest anything. At most even if a co-relation can be affected, co-relation does not prove causality. Astrologers further emphasize the importance of the position of celestial bodies at the time of birth. However, there really is no single 'time of birth' - it is indeed an entire 'birthing process' that takes place. What would one consider the time of birth? Do you pick the moment when the water breaks? When the woman goes into labor? When the crown appears? When the baby is pulled out? When the umbilical cord is cut? Or when the midwife or physician looks at the clock and makes a note?

Astrology also has its basis in the position of the sun and moon at the time of birth. Cynics argue that if one wants to know about the tide tomorrow, then it is the position of the sun and moon today that would be important, not the position 20 or 200 years earlier. Why then, does Astrology base its predictions for the present and future on events that have occurred in the past?

The argument will continue indefinitely. Whatever be the case, the fact of the matter is that there are many people who believe that Astrology works and their beliefs clearly help them down their life's path. Evidently for some it's nice to know what the stars have in store for you!